- Team needs to decide more time OR less stories in the sprint
- Need to have a Ready To Test to the Jira workflow for Sprint 3
- If people come in late, do a "this is what we are doing" when we move to next person rather than stop and catch that person up
- Before Sprint 3 begins, need X-Ray training
- What did we have in Rally for workflow? What did we do there when something had to move from Test back to Development?
- Need to decide what to do for bugs found in one sprint but fixed in a later sprint?
- Team needs an agreed Definition of Done for our stories!!
- Informal hand-offs from development to test so testing can be done in parallel
- Make the functionality incremental so testing can be done on pieces while development is still in progress on stories
- For the experimental development suggestion: do we want it part of actual sprint, do a spike, something completely separate from the sprint??
- Do not want to go back to an always on-going project, better to have phases with specific goals so we can see things progress and get released
- Where are we documenting up-coming projects? Are we moving from the old wiki to Confluence? What about the rest of TSSG?