Lora changed the current devops icon, similar to black 1st version but with continuous arrows and no splits. Sent the green one to Ralph as a devops icon in confluence.breaks
In preparation for opening a new project for gaining tech knowledge about current security and privacy issues... a new 'current event' for tech to discuss regards "commitments"; this news case should be on our radar. Happened in the UK (GDPR issues? in the US, may be a violation of HIPAA laws (The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996, HIPAA, establishes standards for the privacy and security of health information.)) Lora Lora posted this link related to DeepMind's health app being bought by Google. Viewed as - acquired by Google in January 2014 under promises of privacy of data commitments - now in November 2018 being handed over to Google to manage the data. Article titled: "Google accused of 'trust demolition' over health app" https://www.bbc.com/news/technology-46206677
Ken requested that Jon move the schedule dates out of his scheduleDates.js file in order to keep data separate from code. Jon agreed to do that with the next release. Eventually, we'll use a database for storage for schedule data.
Ralph set up a .gitattributes file to fix the crlf/EOL issue. Always saving with lf for unix/linux.
Ralph mentioned possible future IT setups with Ansible using playbooks.