Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • avoid the term “transition”
  • embrace the term "learn"?

  • L+A principle
  • please spell out L+A

  • “cleanliness” is part of attractiveness – we looked at models that distinguished sections of a page by unobtrusive changes in background color & nothing else
  • AND less is more, lead with just enough to pique interest (too much is a turn-off at the start)

  • Stress variety – including roles (try on hats you haven’t done in the workplace)
  • Stress Outlet?

  • make things like work uniformly (someone got a 404 error)
  • you can remove this - all were okay but Norm as he had an app loaded that blocked non-secure sites
  • resolve the confusing 2 rows of similar-looking graphics with different links – in parallel, decide which link to a page vs. a [labeled] section on a page
  • - I'd rather start this project design from scratch - no need to resolve or fix anything... your thoughts?
  • Determine web layout style - via pages or on the same page vertically?
  • I was looking at a youtube video on creating CSS grids - that's a really easy way to make reposnsive design. Let's go over that more... we may want to go the hard way with bootstrap... different images for different screen sizes, text wraps to screen etc.
  • I have a client that I many do a website for - I'm making an exception for him, I don't do websites. I've done it for a few clients too - just because the prices for web developers was out of budget for them. BTW: with very good rerason... this isn't hight school kids making websites anymore, it's far more complicated and sophisticated looking than in the past.
  • Make website work on mobile and standard devices. responsive design
  • Create some reporting format in JIRA with a date feature so we can view what tickets are closed, in-process and pending - that is brought back as a link in CONFLUENCE. 
    • The Confluence Page would be at the same level as Meeting Notes.