- Wayne Garmil
- Alan Rawsthorne
- Ralph A. Navarro Jr.
- Jim Turner
- Shawn Flynn
- @Doug
- @Jessie
- @Mark P.
- @Aruna
Web Group
Wayne suggests we test the tssg web app with Genymotion rather than relying on Edge or Chrome emulation tests.
Joel will work with Ralph about loading a 'hidden' version of the MVP so that we can test on multiple phones, etc. from a TSSG server.
Joel will document the new tssg web app directory structure in Confluence and add it to the associated readme.txt in Git.
Joel will send an email checking for front-end debugging help.
Shawn was not getting TSSG invitations to his gmail account so we fixed this in the meeting.
Ralph will miss the Thursday Devops meeting for an interview.
He wants the group to investigate Ubuntu's Juju and present what is found at the meeting tomorrow. It could be a solution for orchestration of our containers.
Devops will meet in zoom from 3 to 5 tomorrow.
A new member (Chris) may be joining the meeting.
Mobile Group
Mark - presented some info from the google io 2017 sessions
codelabs - tutorials you can watch; color coded by topic.
From a presentation from Kelly Shuster at the android summit 2017; she gets mockups from designers and implements them.
avoids boilerplate.
developer questions to designers cause multiple iterations. Have to get beyond multiple roadblocks to progress.
Zeplin is a tool she uses.
Style Guide - color palette, font,
zero state (non-ideal state) is not discussed enough. Occurrences like No internet access...
pressed states - tracking button pressing, tapping, radio buttons...
button display/shading is different
unit testing, integration testing
developer should be an advocate for the designer
smoke testing, use your app on a daily basis.
Testing on an emulator and the real device. Maybe 1 per day. Choose multiple api's in test.
Check out the presentation references and resources - android summit
Sam Edwards has a summary of Android Summit 2017. Quick review of multiple presentations.
Rx streams - reactive streams
Jenkins - continuous integration
look for google io 2018
look for android meetup group for other speakers as well
Data Analytics Group
We do not have use of the Acton Library this Friday. Need to use Zoom.
Helping Andy with Confluence information.
Andy Alan mentioned Machine Learning is being developed for Devops. Moving from manual examination. ML looks through the aggregate of all of your log files. Predict Using a Big Data approach to predict and find reason reasons for log errors.
Ralph mentioned the tool Splunk - is a log file viewer. Scans and compares logs to a common view.
The ELK stack: Elastic Search, Logstash and Kibana
Ran a successful Jupyter test of Andy's code. Just needed to adjust a cpu vs. gpu statement. Andy will continue to adjust his code to optimize the memory usage.
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |