Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. The only graphic is the logo for MVP Stage 
  2. Has responsive design for nav bar (aka header)
  3. Add a responsive block at bottom of page with a link to Testimonials — Add link to review (table all talk of testimonials) OR delete reference to testimonials all together... 
  4. All Home-Page content in text 
    1. BLACK header
  5. Sub-Pages also text only - ALL BLACK (25apr2018)
    1. Web Page 
    2. Mobile Page
    3. QA Page
    4. Data Analytics Page 
  6. Delete separate page / navigation bar link for Management, all that can be on home page

     end date for Sprint One was 04-jun-2018 (or technically, last Wednesday... )

Sprint 2: Post MVP Release 


Management Group would provide updates when needed for the web calendar. Need to be careful before this is automated (possibly with entries from Confluence).

for testimonials/ review Reminder: Get Info 

** What statements have you heard from TSSG alumni about how TSSG helped them? 


"TSSG is a great learning ground. I have learned so much from participating in the Web Development and Data Analytics Teams!"



  1. Add simple graphics - like boxes and logos for 3rd party suppliers 
  2. Add "hover text" over graphics to explain more info than in graphic 
  3. Add more statements to footer 


Sprint 3:  Introduce More Complicated Graphics

Incorporate clusters of text into graphics that are of responsive design 


Sprint 4: Challenging Tech-Savvy Features, Wish List Items

Purely showcase Tech-Savvy Features

Ideas for Conversation 

  1. Hoverable Hidden Navigation Bar (around perimeter somewhere) - advantage  is more screen space to view contentcontent  
  2. one column for General Meetiing - 4 columns for each group below so that the 35% OF MOBILE SCREEN USE FOR LOGO, CALENDAR, NAV BAR is not a problem.  
  3. A static Schedule / Calendar HTML was created in Sprint Two.  This tech-savvy one would be A) ROLLING CALENDAR and B) where the management team can update the information immediately. 
