

Discussion items

Current Design:
Wondering about a future process to load code changes to a QA/Staging area and a Production area.
We may need 2nd staging areas to handle changes that require QA but are not directly moved to Production.
The Problem: 2 kinds of changes that have to be tested before sent to Production.
  1) We want at least a small change to the schedule every week 
  2) We will want to develop a new display (During long term development changes, we may need a 2nd staging area for this.)

All code is checked into Git and pushed to our tssgTechMVP site every 5 minutes.
A special command run from a Git Bash window pulls the code to the server and copies it for Production release to a docker container.
This works for #1 above.
For now, we won't add any more than a schedule change until we come up with a process to handle both schedule and design changes.

Joel updated the tssgTechMVP site with changes for the DevOps group. We expect that the changes will be tested and ready for promotion to Production on Wednesday.

The Web Team will update the Wednesday schedule, weekly. Joel can do this now. Jim and Ken may also be trained for this soon. They will need access to Ralph's S14 server.

There are continuing design discussions related to:

Sub-page rather than (current) Single Page.
  There are arguments for and against.
  FOR: scrolling with a thumb on mobile is much quicker with Single Page.
  AGAINST: the user gets a view of a different section when they scroll into each other and the page is fairly small. Confusing to the user.

The section icon layout is still being discussed.
Lora likes them in the middle.

Do we have a list of test sizes in Confluence? phone, tablet, laptop.
4 sizes being considered by Google. What are they?

Design change for the schedule section? Instead of the current vertical list, possibly group a max of 4 dates/locations in a quadrangle?
If the group agrees to Agenda on Schedule Page, that is fine.
Lora likes it on the right side.

We need to think/ask about case-sensitivity in the url for our web site. Doesn't seem to be an issue on the web site so far.

Tyler found an error in the current Mobile display. There is too much navbar with landscape view. Can't see bottom 2 options from the expanded hamburger.

Jim T. will try to find out why Lora is unable to login to Jira or will recover her story. 

Action items
