

Discussion items

helpful git link from Paul S.

Git in Practice by Mike McQuaid - book recommended by Mike Combs and Joel

Ken is set up for editing the web Staging and Production sites.
Thomas is investigating PHP and Javascript. Would like to fix the schedule issue.
Paul S. started to look at dev of new web site.

Lora mentioned that the library has a way to sign in for and the ability to take classes.

The group reviewed and completed the eight design sub-tasks to tws-98.
We're going towards multi-page design for our next sprint.
Found that comments in Jira sub-projects are owned by the originator. Edits must come from the owner or someone with admin privileges.
Jim T. added comments to most of the 8 sub-projects.
Pictures are still being considered. Lora likes them. It's possible that the display time on a phone may be a reason to hold off on this. Must make sure that the display is clear/clean. Ken mentioned that we might want to supply a way to stop the picture display on specific platforms.
All 8 sub-tasks (open questions) were decided on.
Checking with the Wednesday group before posting DONE for all.


Action items
