

Lora - Presented her sign for TSSG; found a site to order from to get a glossy, foam core 24 X 36 inch poster.  Around $36 total cost. 
Ralph - has Drupal 8.x instance running; Assigned several user accounts for people to login and play with it (Content Management System). 
Thomas - talked about current phone interviews; Also worked on changes to the web site: carousel - another mode to the carousel (fade mode instead of movement); Mission Statement is off to the right. Lining it up with the other paragraphs on the Home page.

This led to a discussion of our development procedures.
We'll create git branches for users to share their changes from the remote repository. 
  Tom created a TomFadeBranch that contains his Mission Statement left alignment change. This will also host any changes he adds for the carousel. After approval, he will be merging changes to the multipage branch.
  Joel will create a schedule branch. This will hold changes to the schedule, weekly. These changes, after testing, will be merged to the master branch. The idea is to have separate branches for changes that can be merged to master individually when necessary. Joel will document the git/development flow process in confluence for others to review/debate/accept.