TSSG Management Meeting |Minutes

Meeting date | time 2/18/2019 | 7 PM | Meeting location Zoom


Jim Turner, Mark Pralat, Ray Bloom, Norm Heckman, Ralph Navarro, Marc Lacroix,

Michael Moore, Troy Douglas


Mark Pralat, Ray Bloom, Ralph Navarro (late), Marc Lacroix, Michael Moore,

Troy Douglas



2) Link to → TSSG Intro Script

Agenda topics

Item #

Time Duration



10 min

Welcome / Can you hear me?


20 min

Replacement for Andy discussion?  Backup?


20 min

Do we have a dynamic agenda?  


20 min

Member introductions


20 min

Team Introductions


20 min

Team action items


10 min

Wrap up / Next Steps

Discussion Conversation       

Topic: Replacement for Andy discussion?  Backup?

It was thought that Andy had spoken to me about taking over for him.  He had done so but in the same conversation I informed him that I would not be attending the meetings in person.  It was suggested that another member that knew the group well may want to take on the role.  Another suggestion was to eliminate the role entirely and have the team leaders perform the needed tasks. 

We want to ensure that we foster the environment/ atmosphere that the group is open to the employed, unemployed, past members, etc.  Maybe the problem is the tag line of “What have you been doing since your last job?” is a problem.  That being said we should also consider that the priority should be for the unemployed.

Topic: Do we have a dynamic agenda?  

The attendees understood the concerns stated in the handout.  It was suggested that the published start time for new attendees should be the 12:30 PM.  The start time for the existing members should be 1 PM.  This would allow for setup and new member discussions to take place.  There was a thought that each team should be represented by at least one member at 1 PM.  Each team should be time boxed so they don’t go long.  This would allow for the teams to be described to the new members.  Once done another agenda would allow for the teams to present what they would like to discuss.  If a team did not have a topic then it would be skipped.  The meeting would end before 4:30 PM.  If there is still time remaining then this time can be used for open networking or leave early.

Topic: Member introductions

The attendees understood the concerns stated in the handout.  It was agreed that sometimes we all ramble on.  Caution should be used to keep it short and current.  An additional effort could be made to include current TSSG work.

Topic: Team Introductions

This topic was discussed during the discussion on agenda.  It appears that the teams are using their time slots for detailed discussions that other members may not have an interest.  If the discussion is kept at a less detailed level then it may be appropriate of the general audience.  If someone would like to know more then he/she should attend the team meeting.  There have been speakers come in and/or short videos played on topics.

It was stated that we are not restricted to only these teams.  If there is a desired to set up a new team o cover another area.  TSSG as a whole should encourage this effort and do what we can to help.

Topic: Team action items

This topic may warrant additional discussion and clarification.  It was said that one team is not was not formed to be an extension of the work done in another team.  For example, if code is the developed in the web team then it is not the QA team’s responsibility to validate it.  Instead the web team would be expected to perform that function within its own ranks. 

It is acceptable for a member of one team request the assistance of a member of a different team.  The example given was the problem with Drupal.  Michaele and I are waiting for it to be repaired before we can continue our work.

Conclusion Closing

We did not have a quorum of team leaders so no decisions were made.  We had a lot of great suggestions on how we might resolve some of the issues we are facing in the Wednesday meeting.  I indicated that I would have these minutes available for Wednesday should the group want to discuss these topics further.