Joel will get the latest version of the devops icon from Lora and release it to the web site. It has a transparent background like the other icons. Also cleaning up icon *.png files so that they no longer have version numbers associated with them.
Lora uses Gimp and Inkscape to make edits to the icons.
Ralph originally did not like the use of a footer in our website on phones. Says most mobile apps do not have footers.
If desktop, we could consider using different (larger) icons.
General Steps to update the tssgTech.git repository.
a. git pull (from master)
b. git checkout multipage (switch to multipage branch)
c. make changes, add, commit with comment, push.
These changes are deployed to every 5 minutes; Test in tssgTechMultipage
d. git checkout master (switch back to master branch)
e. git merge (and commit to master branch from multipage); this will bring over changes from multipage branch.
f. git push (master branch code to the repository). This code is pulled to every 5 minutes.
g. Test in tssgTechStagedMaster; if good run git bash alias tssgTech.deploy to
h. Test
i. If all goes well tag with latest version; 3.1.0 (refactoring gives a secondary release increase)
Major (api change etc.); Minor (functionality change); Patch (backward compatible changes) has all of the terminology (semantic versioning)
Discussed Jira and trying to move on to the next sprint.
Ralph encourages us to continue with the same 'web' project and continue with more releases.
The other idea is to create new, smaller projects.
Project (web site)
Product/Release schedules (ongoing)
Multiple release dates for the Project/Product. Release 1, 2, 3, 4, (possible overlapping dates)
Unrelated Projects?
Creating a release 3. open and close
Create a release 4 to put the testimonials issue in.
Ralph demo'd a start to his using a grails app for logging into TSSG and modifying the schedule database.
It's got an MVC framework with LDAP data binding rather than calling out to a database.
LDAP is fast for reading; updates are slower.
can't reverse a hash out of the ldap.