The purpose of this page is to collect feedback on the website changes implemented on 4/25/2019.  An email was sent out to the email distribution with instructions to reply with feedback as a reply to the message.  The feedback will be recorded as comments to this page.

For those of you that have access to Confluence, Please feel free to post your feedback directly here as Comments.


--- Start of email subject ---

TSSG Members, We need your help with feedback on our new web site changes!

--- Start of email subject ---

--- Start of email message body ---

TSSG Members,

I have some exciting news!  Our website,, has undergone a great change.  We have created an entirely different look for the Technical Skills Share Group (TSSG).  We would like to hear your thoughts on the changes.  Please reply (not reply all) to this message.

When you land on the site you will notice a small change.  There is a “Go to Beta Site” button available to you.

Click on it to see another version of the TSSG web site.

Check it out!  An entirely new look.  Browse through the site and make sure to check out the new “Schedule” look.  You can return to the “CLASSIC SITE” at any time by selecting from the top menu.

If you are using a mobile phone then menu will appear as “hamburger”.  This is an icon of three lines.

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