

(I lost my notes during an unintentional reboot of my system after the meeting. These notes are from memory. Feel free to add and/or correct.)

Web Group
A decision was made to continue to move Jon's latest changes to the multipage branch in the our tssgTechMVP.git repository.
Ralph set up a site to pull this branch for testing in
Eventally, we'll merge this code to the master branch and it will be our Production release (
In the meantime, Joel is posting our latest schedule to
The weekly scrum meeting (Wednesday meeting) will NOT be meeting on 11/21. We all agreed to skip it.

Mobile Group
Mark gave a review of what the group has been doing.

Mike's Presentation
In preparation for an interview, Mike gave an hour long presentation related to a project he did recently for the production of photo booths. He combined creativity and technical decisions to come up with an improved design and product. They changed the foundation of picture taking from Chromakey to Lumakey to avoid greens turning translucent, color halo's, etc.
This was a very interesting presentation and Mike was very thankful for the helpful feedback that followed.

Data Analytics Group
We attempted to show a Kaggle-related video, but had technical difficulties and ran out of time.
Alan also mentioned showing another video related to computational learning theory and the probably approximately correct (PAC) learning model.