General discussion of Jim D.'s mockup and display of using anchors in Confluence.
Show icon/text(learn more...) sections just under the general meeting section.
Have to consider reducing the size of the icons.
Both icon and 'learn more...' are mouse-sensitive to get you to the main page.
Holding off on including Devops as a group to display in the web site.
Lora's design opinions:
Keep schedule at the top (Jim T. agrees)
Use same artist for each graphic if possible; consistency of style is important.
Use images to represent the technologies.
Lots of discussion of how to handle the 'Learn more...' text.
Possibly use hovertext/mouseover that displays the 'learn more...'
Will this display well enough on a phone? Will it be legible?
Concerns: How will this work on a phone? hover, hold, touch, …
hover doesn't work with mobile/touch screen.
Jim T. advises: The hover/lead-in text should be more teasing than it is... Improve the wording so that it isn't so generic per technology.
Ken - After hovering on mobile - the hover text is displayed at the top of the screen.
Lora - Consistently display tech icon within each main display section. Web icon is for navigation as well as identifying where you are.
Lora - starts discussion of 4 steps of design
sketch - freehand drawing on a napkin
wireframe - paint/visio basic display of functionality and navigation; no design specifics yet
mockup - scale demo with content of logos, images, font choices, color choices...
prototype - working demo without 'real/final' functionality (html and or css or others)
mobile, tablet, desktop
want a picture for each; and navigation
Lora reminds us that 40 minutes are free on zoom per meeting. Hold multiple meetings to create a longer meeting.
Next Steps:
Lora will set up a meeting for Thursday at 9am for a web review. She'll send out an invitation and include Jim D.
Wayne Garmil
Why is DevOps still being left off of the website? It was a big discussion point at the Wednesday Aug 1st meeting that the DevOps team had expected to have been already added to the website. They have created a team page in Confluence with the text they want to be displayed in their section. What is the blocking point from adding them to the website?
Wayne Garmil
Also, the team page for Data Analytics was updated at the Aug 1st meeting. The web team was asked to update this section of the website ASAP. Currently, the old place-holder information (a copy of the web team section) is still displayed for Data Analytics. Norm has asked via email today why the update has not yet been done? The purpose of moving TSSG.Tech to Technology Nursery now was to be able to do these quick fixes and updates while the new website was being developed.