

Lora presented her design for the latest poster board. All agreed it was fine as is.

Backlog grooming and sprint planning...
Mark and Drew and Jim talking about Kanban vs. Sprint planning.
Jim T. thought we should choose stories to work on next for our next Sprint (5). Then, we can talk about Kanban later.

Brief discussion of Kanban...
Current method is to drag stories into the sprint and only look at the current sprint.
New method is to use a scrum board of states 'To Do', 'In Progress', and 'Done'.
Can view more than a single sprint.
Each sprint is moving stories across a scrum board rather than Kanban.
This method is more forgiving if you go beyond the time limit of a single sprint.

Mark showed a sample kanban board.
Workflow consists of Analyze, Develop and Test
No time boxing.
Status is either Doing or Done which you can sort by.
Could bring a due date into a specific Kanban card.
Each column has a WIP (work in progress) and a limit; informal limits to trigger possible grooming to allow for more stories.
Workers pull what they want to work on.
Has a Prioritized product backlog.
Stakeholder can view the board. Manager sets priorities.
Need to set up rules. - has multiple Scrum to Scrumban youtube presentations (scrum vs. kanban)

We've been attempting to create a sample Kanban board in Jira.
Ralph doesn't believe that Kanban is useful for Web development. There's no time limit.
Maybe plan with Kanban and force each story into a sprint?
Drew is offering to set up Jira for how we want to work at it.

In the meantime, we'll select stories for the next sprint.
Need a retrospective for the last sprint. as part of the wrap-up.
Lora - We should go through the backlog before a sprint retrospective.
Clean up backlog, then finalize the sprint (4).
The interest isn't there for pure Kanban. We'll try incorporating a Kanban view, but it's still going to be a sprint.

Ralph - We should put info/conversation in issues rather than passing around in emails.
It's not automatically organized, but at least they live in the tool as part of an Epic/Story/Spike...
Drew will put stories into Jira related to Drupal decisions.

Time spent grooming the backlog...
Drew will talk to developers about whether tws-12 (hover-text) is something to do.
Ralph is working on tws-36 (member login) this as a proof of concept.
tws-109 testimonials page is for a later project. Drew might know where the testimonial decision is in Confluence.
closed sprint 4 with versions 3.0 and 3.1.0
Retrospective page created, but not filled yet.

Have stories in project for Sprint 5. Started on Wednesday 12/12 and scheduled to end 1/9.