- Joel posted a wire-frame on Confluence, needs to be reviewed during this meeting
- Discussion on who should generate the wireframe (product owner vs developer)
- Will be iterative, revised as the project goes
- Reviewed current TSSG.Tech website with Lora's changes
- Need to make sure the conventions used on the website are simple, [people need to declare clearly what they mean - provide an example of what the perceive as simple and something they perceive as not simple] otherwise we are going to lose the visitor's interest
- May change "Testimonials" to Tributes or Recommendations or Success Stories
- Need to fix what happens when you click the button for the page you are currently on
- Icon on button of the page are VERY small on a phone screen. This is a sizing issue on the icon images.
- Review of the Design Guidelines page: — Wayne - not sure if this entire group is SQA / QA or mixed, can you separate? —
- Concern: "QA Study Group" sounds too limiting, they also contribute to the projects as needed — each team lead needs to notify the web team what "changes/ additions / deletions"they would like on their page - this is a back and forth issue, should just be what Team Lead wants it to look like now, next Team Lead can change it---
- Why was Software dropped from the group's name? We don't talk about hardware QA
- Suggested name is "SQA Group", need to talk about this within the QA group on Thursday
- Change Scrum to Daily Stand-up
- Do not like just single letters, too cryptic. Try to do short words instead (Web, Mobile, QA, Big Data, Home)
- Can this be a menu at the top of the page instead?
- Color coding could be problem for people with color blindness
- Should testimonials be put in now or be part of a later iteration?
- Look at the bottom of IBM.com, how it has jump off links in the footer for the different sections that the user can go to — for ALL references to websites, there needs to be STRUCTURE in the ingo given... for example: I like IBM.COM because when it's on a large monitor, it plays a video and an image at the top that slideshows, then it stops. In the mobile phone version, no video... goes to a graphic but not the same as the other. GOOD EXAMPLE of how responsive design can be more interesting than simple HTML. —
- Also look at Boston-Spin.org for how the header and footer areas are done ---- unclear on what's liked here, looks very old fashioned —
- Thinks the centered text is too clunky, need to be very short phrases — could be a slideshow instead - one at a time —
- — hey, Ralph —
- Question: do we want names or not on reviews?
- Need Meet-up integration on the website
- Can embed the Meet-up reviews into the website
- Also add links to the other tools that we use (LinkedIn, Survey Monkey polls, what else?) — why are we adding links to other sites? —
- Want the format of the team pages be the same, but the content will be customized by each team
- Do NOT switch colors for each page. Too busy on the page — this went back and forth - not a critical variable but easy enough to come up w/ a Brand Identity Guidelines, my hesitation is it's such a tiny website - everyone can google "brand identity guidelines" and view PDF's - we can throw something quick together, not really the point of the responsive design work though... it's so simple —
- Suggestion of a common theme for ALL pages on the website
- Do NOT use different colors until we find a need for using multiple colors (use single color only) — not a deal breaker either way ---
- Goal: to convey information to potential new members and existing members
- Need to get INFO (website address asn a simple paragraph about what is liked and why) from TSSG members on what websites they like that have responsive design, what you like about them and you do not like about them
- Next steps:
- Does what is on the website now meet the minimum need of what we have for the website?
- Want to have the MVP website done by next week, review at the Wednesday meeting
- The current tssg.tech is not responsive design, it is just simple HTML
- Do we have a clear enough idea of what is the minimum needed by TSSG as an organization for the website?
- Current website is based on the discussion we had at last week's general meeting
- Current content of live tssg.tech site is the wireframe – what? I'm not understanding this comment —
- Joel will next move the current tssg.tech into bootstrap. Goal is to turn it into the MVP site — we reserved the right in the Monday meeting to either put it live or use it as a base for the next sprint —
- Does anyone on the web team have training in Human Interface Design for web sites? — no, Mark Pralat, there's no specialized HID professionals in the group —
- No one in the group has UI or UX formal train
- Jim, Ralph and Lora have experience with reviewing websites
- Web team needs to stop asking the main meeting for approval on all decisions
- Everyone here has been new to TSSG in the past
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1 Comment
Ralph A. Navarro Jr.
There seems to be confusion about what a wireframe is. A website wireframe shows the layout of the components on the page from a high-level perspective. A free wireframe tool which works on most PC platforms is Pencil. Here is an example wireframe created in Pencil: