- Lora has requested that our meetings do NOT get recorded. She has specifically said that the team does NOT have permission to record any meeting that she attends.
- Joel has not done a lot of work for this sprint yet.
- Joel is working on shrinking the logo in the navbar
- Trying to do it programmatically rather than having a smaller logo file (but keep the log file small)
- Also need to decide what to do for smaller mobile screens (and tablets although not as much an issue there)
- Question on if we want the carousel below the navbar
- TWS-33:
- Lora's work is done
- Joel now needs to incorporate this into the main page
- PROBLEM: may need to have the calendar itself on a separate page so it can be updated easily weekly
- TWS-43 - needs to be worked on, assigned to Mary to do the MVP website testing on phone and tablet
- TWS-39 - done
- TWS-41 - This may be eliminated by the post-MVP website redesign
- TWS-42 - This may be eliminated by the post-MVP website redesign
- For Sprint 2 MVP site fix:
- Move logo into navbar at a small size
- Move carousel into the General Meeting section
- TWS-37 - done
- TWS-47 - Move the schedule icon to replace the "Action Library except 4th Wednesday in Chelmsford Library" part of that line
- add Check Schedule label to icon
- Frank found a solution to the navbar items wrapping, put "&nsp;" between navbar items and they won't wrap
- TWS-48: team decided we do want to have Schedule added to the navbar
- No second meeting for the entire team this week, individuals will get together as-needed during the week
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