

Troy - has set up a new web site of changes for discussion.
The site is more graphical than our Production web site.
Used Webflow app to create it.
Picture in the background. menu of groups on the bottom left. Nice fonts and colors. Very appealing look.
Scrolling through all groups. Single page rather than multipage. (this may require another design discussion)
Displaying free Images per group.
Animations are allowed.

Michael Moore TWS-131 : wants to know what Drupal additions need to be added to Drupal. What modules are available?

Drew: Drupal 'People' and 'Extend' tabs are broken.
  We'll have Ralph look into this after he completes his backup and restore work. He'll install the latest version and restore the data and then see whether these tabs are still not working.

Thomas: looking at the carousel; Hero image (background image); words sliding from top to bottom;

TSSG Personas in Confluence

TWS-118 git agent to trigger Jenkins test of web site.
Now assigned to Tyler. Story has been completed and set as 'Done' in the Devops meeting Monday night.

Joel will get web site documentation (proof of concept, single-page, multi-page, … versions) for Confluence page to Drew.

Joel will propose what he'd like to do with TSSG when he's back to working full-time. Definitely have to find a new meeting scribe.