

We are looking for a logical place in Confluence to store the testimonials, sub-team info, etc.

Lora: public web site doesn't and should never have handshake with Confluence. Yes, we all agree.

Ken - worked with jquery accordian feature. Needs adjustments to look good with our navbar, and other existing display features.

This is the location of the last mockup for our multi-page design. Probably should port these files over to Confluence and store them with the other design ideas. 

This is a link to future webinars that developers may be interested in (this one was for 9/25/18):

We managed to close Sprint 3.
We are in the process of closing the Design Spike.
We are in the process of generating 7 or 8 user stories to build and start a Sprint 4.  Some ideas include: change to multi-page design (single page per group), icon positioning and actions, git process (create a branch for single page vs. multi-page), server processes (code for Staging could come from 1 of 2 different branches in the same repository: single or multi depending on the style we want to test and display)...

For the coming week: developers will work on multipage development ideas as part of Sprint 4. We need to document stories for Sprint 4.

Joel will send Jim T. an email with story ideas.

A TSSG Mission Statement proposal (and refinement) for display in the web site will be up for discussion at the Wednesday meeting. (see following paragraph)

From TWS-50: need to add to - home page just above the GENERAL MEETING header.

Technical Skills Share Group (TSSG) is a volunteer organization created for technical professionals seeking peer-based active learning. We develop mobile, web and data analytics applications and we have a quality assurance and a devops team to support the aforementioned teams. Peer-based active learning is give-and-take - learn new skills, tools and concepts - hone existing ones and - share with other members. Our purpose is to create an environment to enable members to stay current in the latest software technologies, focus on their interest areas and work with other technical professionals.


  1. Hi,

    It is my understanding from your minutes that testimonials would come into the group from multiple sources (emails to TSSG members, current TSSG member emails, word of mouth, etc.).  I could create a Confluence page off of the main TSSG space to hold them.  I would need a brief discussion with the TSSG Management, where all of the TSSG sub-teams are represented, and Web teams on minimum content.  I could also work with the submitter to ensure the minimum is supplied each time.

    I would suggest that the web team decide how to take them from Confluence.


    Jim "Drew"

  2. Jim "Drew", 

    Please let it be known: 

    The comments sent should be 'approved for public use' by the sender. 

    Easy enough to set-up an 'reply script' for testimonials to get that approval.  

    -- I say this for TSSG clarity, Jim, I know you already know this – 

    This falls into private v. public correspondence. 

    If a person posts something to the web it's public domain (if it comes up in a search result - still public; the site may be login only and still be visible via a search engine, so not private).  If info is on a private site that is secure and will not show up on any variety of search engines, it's private. 

    If a person gives you their phone number (and any other information) and it's not posted on a website, it's private and should not be shared in any way that would make it public.