


The group closed their Sprint3 and opened a Sprint4 with a 'multi-page display' story.
Asked for feedback on putting a mission statement into the main web site page. Drew suggests - send mission statement ONLY to team leads for approval or re-write. Andy agrees. 

Bernard's suggestions:
  Leave same sequence of icons (possibly leave them at the bottom at all times), highlight icon that represents the current page.
  Balsamiq - good mockup tool. See 
  Our web site user shouldn't have to be thinking of direction within a website. The choices should be obvious.

Mark P. showed slides related to a Wowza presentation he went to as part of a meetup.

Data Analytics
Mike mentioned a few areas that he'd like to see more of in the group.
  Managing code in a Notebook and work with a team.
  Deploying from 1 notebook to another.

Norm suggests we try to find a project to work on together. Go through Kaggle tutorials. More Python training.

Meeting ended at 4:30.