Repository: tssgTechPoc.git

Date: early 2017

Brief Website Description:

Donna S. put together a quick web site for discussion and review. I believe the goal was to create a website that introduced TSSG and that would include responsive design and work well on multiple platforms.

Display includes existing graphics from years ago. Multipage design rather than singlepage that allows for scrolling through each group content.

Version Summary: 

Within this repository there are no tags/versions. The code was 'finished' to a point and then stored in its own repository.

Using bootstrap 3.3.7 and jquery 3.2.1

Brief Code Flow Description:

Header navbar, defined in default.htm, has tabs defined in header to click on and loads distinct page files for each group.

Directory Structure:


Code snippets:

Minimal javascript. Functions are found in default.htm. These function do not appear to be called.


$(window).scroll(function() {

The positive and negative observations


  1. excellent as a conversation piece for future development and design
  2. quick and simple to throw together
  3. includes bootstrap (using carousel, jumbotron, navbar features) to encourage responsiveness and quick development


  1. graphics not clickable and block responsive design
  2. html files mixed with css and javascript
  3. css styles copied and included across all html files
  4. no icons
  5. needs text content/spelling cleanup; just a POC