
Boxborough library; 


  • Joel Sharasheff

  • Paul S., Ralph, Wayne, Jim D., Shawn, YLin, Mark, Ken H., Alan, Tyler


  • Started with a Web Group standup. 
    Joel showed the current sprint 3 wireframe that the developers questioned as too busy for mobile display. 
    Ralph thought the hamburger should get us where we want to go, rather than using extra icons.
    Ralph encouraged us to look into a single page app design. It hides the parts of page that are not selected.
    The design re-writes the current page view. Single page load. Or dynamically load what's needed for the single page view.

    Looked at site displays in and for ideas. Generally agreed to consider something with a max of 2 horizontal columns for mobile display.
    Jim D. will write up another wireframe/mockup with clear navigation suggestions. Expects to have it by our Monday 1:30 Web dev meeting. 

    The wireframe will include 3 pages: General Meeting, DevOps, and Schedule pages.
    The info for the data analytics and devops groups will be posted with the other groups on Confluence. Jim D. and Ralph are working on this.
    Ralph encourages Jim not to post wireframes as powerpoint slides. Instead, create files that can be posted to and viewed directly from Jira without the aid of another app.
    In the meantime, developers are free to experiment with layout changes and single page views to get a feel for how much work it will take to get changes for sprint 3 done.

  • Ralph walked through the idea to store and utilize schedule data. An epic that will possibly be incorporated with sprint 4 or 5 in the future. 
    The Confluence API was limited to returning HTML that we'd be forced to parse.
    A better option is to update through Confluence and its postgres database. Eventually, have the web site schedule page call the data from the confluence/postgres database. Javascript could access the database with a query. Based on today's date, we could display a specific number of meetings on the schedule page.
    1. need a friendly way to add meeting data to the database. 
    2. need javascript to grab the data from the database for the web site.

    Here's a link to postgres json sql support:

  • Mark discussed the design pattern MVC (model view controller) with Android in the O'Rielly book 2nd edition. He hasn't found any other android books with chapters dedicated to design pattern usage.