DevOps as defined by Wikipedia "is a set of practices that combines software development (Dev) and IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the systems development life cycle and provide continuous delivery with high software quality."
DevOps Charter
The term 'wiki' in this document refers to this Atlassian Confluence Knowledge Base system.
- Customers - TSSG Team Members
- DevOps Team - Supports Customers
- Build and maintain new tools that will help TSSG groups to develop their knowledge on using those tools.
- Remove any individual's single point of failure for transient members. Team members may leave the group or have limited time once they land a job.
- Share knowledge of the tools infrastructure among multiple team members
- Share responsibilities of maintaining the tools infrastructure among multiple team members
- Remove any tools single point of failure.
- Schedule or automate backups of tools
- Implement orchestration technologies that allow migration of services seamlessly to the cloud
- Understand the potential needs of TSSG projects by engaging in a full end-to-end and full stack project. TSSG Teams will look to DevOps to provide POCs and guidance on tools usage. The best way to understand your customer is to 'eat your own dogfood' (per Bill Gates). Find ways to be a customer of your own services.
- Identify and Develop best practices for using tools
- Understand and communicate to others the benefits and challenges of each tool
- Walk the walk
- Talk the talk
DevOps Rules for Playing in the Sandbox
- Treat others the way you would want to be treated.
- Respect other's opinions.
- Make time in each meeting to gather people's opinions
- Create a Personal Space to share who you are and what projects or components you work on.
- Share your notes on the wiki
- Contribute your opinion on the wiki
- Treat the DevOps projects and assignments as a business
- Track time spent on tasks in JIRA
- Time box meetings
- Estimate your work
- Be involved!
DevOps Team Members
Thanks to Mark Pralat for creating a TSSG DevOps Google Group. Please make sure that you accept the group invitation in order to get group communications.
- Ralph Navarro - Project Lead
- Alan Rawsthorne
- Bill Opalka
- Bob Larrivee
- Candy O'Sullivan
- Cathie Chang
- David Day
- Jessica Martz
- Jim Burke
- Jim Turner
- Joel Sharasheff
- Mark Pralat
- Michael Combs
- Norm Heckman
- Paul Sheidemantel
- Pushparathi Pandian
- Ray Bloom
- Susan Zheng
- Thomas O'Dea
- Tyler Putnam
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- Set permissions - Click Space Tools in the left sidebar to update permissions and give others access
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