- Sprint demo was held on Wednesday 5/23, there was still work left to do on the MVP release
- Sprint planning for Sprint 2 has not been held yet, so we are still in Sprint 1
- Three main questions: what went well with the sprint, what went poorly with the sprint, what do you want to see changed in the next sprint?
- Joel
- Took way longer than expected, still have bugs to work out
- Disappointed with how the work went overall
- It was a good learning experience, realized that he hardly knew anything for working with Bootstrap going in
- Liked working with Ken and that we had a time period to complete the work
- Do not know what your schedule is like each week, so hard to estimate if you can get the work done in the sprint timebox
- Also a problem with estimating the amount of time that the work would actually take
- This can not be a full time effort due to also needing to job hunt (which has to take priority)
- Not sure how to correctly approach a bootstrap project
- Ken
- Challenge to find the time to get together with Joel. His role was to help Joel with his work on the project
- He gave advice on areas he had learned previously (more experience coming into this project)
- Is better at debugging, good at applying those skills
- Learned things as he helped Joel solve problems that the project ran into
- Did not like the strict agile environments and agile practices / meetings (too cumbersome)
- Need to get used to updating the Jira tickets to log progress on the work being done
- Agile is based on 40 hour work week, which does not work well for our group since we are not full time on the project
- Lora
- We do not have the right process in place regarding people/process/tools
- We spent 3 weeks just getting the tools set-up, that should have been done before the project began
- Liked the way the MVP product looked, being simple, not overly complicated
- More things to add to the website in later sprints
- Need to have a way to make the process work faster, closer to a business environment
- Tough issue to solve by us
- May need deadlines to help make sure things get done when expected
- No knowing the skill levels of the team members caused some issues
- We did complete what we intended to do for the sprint
- Suggests a process template be created for teams like ours to work smoother
- Having just a Monday meeting when doing an active project is not often enough for team to meet. Need to meet at least twice a week on a scheduled basis.
- Need to remember that the developer should not wait for the rest of the team for approval, make a decision and go forwards
- Challenging how the work is broken down in Jira, a lot of detail is needed there
- Having a hard deadline for when work needs to be done may not be appropriate for our group, we are not delivering to an external customer
- Note: Joel and Ken still working on Nav Bar scrolling issue, so final MVP version is not yet publicly deployed
- First item on Wednesday agenda should not be Scrum, it is a general meeting for each team to update the rest of TSSG on what they were working on and interesting topics related to the group
- Jim
- Like: enthusiasm and personal agility that people brought to the project
- When more needed to be done or done differently, people scheduled meetings on their own to get it done
- Ate up a lot of time when the team would stop and discuss an issue in detail
- Agile framework was hard to observe in action
- Hard to look at Epics in Jira and break it down into stories
- We did not create good stories looking back on the sprint
- Some of what we created were not user stories: As <customer role>, I want to <X> so that <Y>
- We ended up with a list of tasks instead of stories
- Stories were of widely different scopes
- All the participants need to have adaptability since we are not co-located
- Did not learn enough about website building to suit his needs (personal goal, not team project goal)
- Learned about scrum mastering a group that is new to scrum
- Team needs to be more disciplined in agile processes
- Need to have more user stories defined and in backlog before we begin the sprint
- Have fewer stories in progress until we get better at estimating
- Need to have more planning in place before the sprint begins
- Ralph
- Liked that team learned how to create user stories using Jira (not every task needs a story)
- Need to be better splitting up the work so it is not all on just one developer
- Need to have the resources available to do the work that we are trying to accomplish as a team
- If you are not going to be actively involved with the project, then you should not have one of the limited number of accounts in Jira and Confluence
- The amount of work was too much for just Joel to accomplish on his own. He needed Ken's help to get done.
- If it had been just Joel, then we should have planned for more time than we did
- For next sprint, we need either a longer sprint or less items in the sprint
- Split the amount of work we did in Sprint 1 into two sprints
- Still need to wrap up the mobile responsive display work in next sprint
- Could QA team members have been used earlier in the sprint to shake out the bugs?
- Was the code being put into GIT that rest of team could have been grabbed?
- Rest of team did NOT know that SprintOne-MVP was being updated beyond the one update done for the 5/23 meeting
- Still learning how to use GIT to merge changes being done by multiple team members on the same time
- Wayne
- Liked the use of Jira, agree that team needs to get better at creating stories and estimating
- I do not think scrum works well for our team. We do not have set dedicated times for the work assigned to get done. Suggest the team move to Kanban instead of Scrum.
- Sprint 1 was supposed to end on 5/23, we should be at the mid-point of sprint 2 at this point. We are still not ready to start sprint 2
- Team said we had an 8 week project broken into 4 sprints, time began on day 1 of sprint 1
- Team did not schedule any time between sprints, and we should have done that
- Do NOT like team's habit of talking over each other at meetings. This would not happen at in-person meetings, which is how we should be treating our scheduled meetings
- This may be a lag issue with Zoom
- If there is an extra meeting needed, it needs to be scheduled 2-3 days in advance, not hours before the meeting
- One of the web team members chose to not participate in project at all, so that unexpectedly limited the amount of development effort we had available (other developer was known to be limited availability at start of the project)
- Need to remember that sprint planning for next sprint needs to happen before the end of the previous sprint
- Team is going to do gaps between sprints, so this is not an issue
- Found it a challenge to be a scrum master for a team new to scrum. I need to improve my skills there
- Ken Haduch Need a coding guidelines document for the team
- Needs to include how multiple team members can update the same file and merge changes
- Need to come up with way to inform the team that the public development site has been updated
- Need to build up a good size backlog of stories that we can choose for the sprints instead of only doing the stories for the next sprint
- Need to find a way for QA people can help the developers sooner
- Start creating X-Ray tests to use as acceptance criteria for the stories
- Ralph A. Navarro Jr.to give team training on using X-Ray
- If we can not schedule a fixed second weekly meeting, then we need to ensure at the end of current meeting when the next meeting will be held
- Need to break out tasks in stories into smaller pieces so can be given to other team members
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