


  • Joel presented the current status of the Web code and Lora posted the latest code to
  • Wayne mentioned that there was a mixup in mapping TWS-62 and 60.
    issue type: bug is missing from Jira. Bug is only showing when you look for 'all issues'
    Ralph is looking into this.
  • We found that TWS-43 was created for general mobile testing and TWS-60 contains specific steps for testing. We should create more tests using TWS-60 as an example.
  • Ralph is writing a privacy policy document.
  • Joel added a comment to Ralph's git instructions to show the specific steps he took to push changes to the git repository and to pull a clone of the repository.

Discussion items


Action items


TWS 43 for general mobile testing and 60 for specific steps for testing (cucumber - steps...)

1 Comment

  1. Ken pushed more changes to the git repository on 7/3/2018. If you are testing locally or updating the latest host code, you probably want to get the latest code.

    I used the Edge emulator to find some basic problems that still exist. Basic bugs are in BOLD. I will try to create bugs in Jira for each of these ASAP.

    1. Microsoft Lumia 650 and iPhone 7 in portrait mode is fine. When displayed in landscape, the hamburger dropdown does not display all of the links. Data Analytics is cut off.
    2. Microsoft Lumia 950 is buggy in part because portrait mode contains a horizontal scroll bar. You don't see the full screen immediately and have to scroll horizontally.  Scroll down and the navbar scrolls up out of view.
    3. iPad - Landscape is fine. Portrait mode is buggy.
         navbar links wrap to a 2nd row display. Will probably be fixed by shortening the link names. 
         Scroll alignment is off. Top of each link is too low and chops off the tops of the letters.