

Question of Who can be the Web rep on Wednesday came up. A lot of members will not be available to attend. Possibly use a few minutes to demonstrate current status of the Web app and bugs that may have risen during testing. 

Talked about sharing the schedule.html on BlueHost and git/ralph domains.
  Lora will update her BlueHost copy. Developers/Testers on can work with any version of this schedule file as long as the basic structure doesn't change.

When Developers believe their story is 'done' and ready for Test, they will add a comment to a QA person to start testing (e.g., "@Tyler Putnam dev work done; ready to start QA").

Had discussion of which set of browsers/phones/tablets to test.
Decided (for convenience) to let the QA group to test on what is available to them.

  Try to compare real vs. emulator and put result notes to aid in further testing.
  Be specific on each configuration for each test.

Minimum Acceptance Criteria
Need to document the most important test configurations in Confluence so that we can use them in future testing. Include real vs. emulator issues as well.
Possible Wednesday meeting discussion in the future: How we're embracing privacy policy concerns.
  Addressing privacy with recorded meetings. Zoom meetings are recorded.

Ralph will take care of tws-34: Google Analytics.

Here is the Microsoft DevTools for MS Edge Device Emulation:
In order to get the emulators, add the developer features:
Browser and Platform Market Share
Usage share of web browsers on Wikipedia

Action items
