

Must finish by 4:30.

Web Group
Paul gave a demo of his changes for the icons at the footer.
Jon gave a demo of his changes that read in text of each section to the DOM (document object model). The index page stays on the url no matter what page is displayed.
Jon will modify the current design to allow users to bookmark specific pages (schedule) within the website. And possibly help with web crawlers to search all of our pages this way.
We should ask Ralph at devops meeting why there's a redirection from the url to technologynursery.
Before leaving the meeting, Jim T. asked the group to feel free to add a User Story (in Jira, or a Suggested User Story in Confluence) that says "As an x I want to see an About page so that y". We'll see that such a story goes in the backlog, one way or another.
Mark offered these links for information related to our discussion of mission statements for TSSG. Maybe we could add an 'About' page.
Examples of mission statements:

Mobile Group
Shawn Flynn farewell - He's off on a contract job utilizing skills he learned in this group. Hooray! We have a testimonial from him in Confluence.
Shawn recommends the online Coursera android programming class. Classes on Udemy as well.

Data Analytics
Norm gave his presentation. There are a few new visitors that are interested in studying this topic.
Recommended metrowest machine learning; every other wednesday night. The ML group in Natick
Also recommended going to and learn from the tutorials and videos there.

1 Comment

  1. This comment relates to the statement in the notes:

    "Before leaving the meeting, Jim T. asked the group to feel free to add a User Story (in Jira, or a Suggested User Story in Confluence) that says "As an x I want to see an About page so that y". We'll see that such a story goes in the backlog, one way or another.
    Mark offered these links for information related to our discussion of mission statements for TSSG. Maybe we could add an 'About' page.
    Examples of mission statements: "

    There is already a user story that was suggested that will cover this request.  

    It is located here→ Job Seeker questions answered 

    Please consider this a starting point and the "About" page as a partial solution.


    Jim "Drew"