

Joel will help with Wednesday TSSG meeting Web portion because Jim will not be there.
Lora mentioned that we should keep an eye out for security-related articles. (look out for hardware from China)

Our plan is to merge code from Jon and Paul to create a multipage feature branch.
Comments on John's release:
Use the standard icons. We have them ready.
"created by and for technical..." correction
Remove 'MISSION STATEMENT' heading. Only use the first and last sentences.
Footer may need padding to allow vertical scrolling to reach the bottom. Paul's works now.
Remove red background from schedule icon. Change to light grey?
From loral to Everyone: latest icons:
There's a vote to leave the carousel. Maybe remove the underline bars and leave the text?
  change to arrows? Vote to try to slim down the height of the carousel?
Possibly have footer icons %age larger. And maybe less blue space from left/right.

We like Paul's footer icon spacing.
Joel's would like to avoid the flashing of the redraw of the header/footer per page. Re-use of code with jquery import is the problem. Tradeoff of reusing code.
Paul mentioned that there's a new html import statement that doesn't yet work for all browsers.

Discussion of scroll bar appearance/display when screen width is decreased.

Schedule page discussion:
Should we have a separate footer icon for schedule? No. It's fine as is. Keep in Navbar and as icon on Home page.
Do we need more text on the Schedule page? No, just tighten up display. Title and icons.
Drop the Title and change to single row of 'Wednesday Meetings'.
Joel will show his schedule update process rules in confluence for adding changes to schedule.txt

Cleaning up the home page mission statement means that the schedule icon will show at the top on a mobile display.
  Make sure that we can view at least the top of the schedule icon.
  Move page titles flush with the top of icon.

Would like to scale text like we do for icons. Many ways to do this. Possibly use a media query to change pixel size.
Ken thinks the top left icon per page for mobile may be too big. Lora likes it.