
TSSG Purpose: We Help You Answer The Question - What have you been doing since your last job?

TSSG Mission: Technical Skills Share Group (TSSG) is a volunteer organization created for technical professionals in-transition or enthusiasts seeking peer-based active learning. We develop mobile, web and data analytics applications with the purpose of keeping members current in the latest software technologies.

TSSG Website Purpose: Enable fast access to information about TSSG to those who may want to join.

TSSG Website Development Mission: Create a site that has a responsive design, is graphically appealing and is concise in content.  It must communicate only enough information to reach the right audience on the right devices.  It must be low-maintenance for TSSG. 

TSSG Website Development Goal: Enable TSSG to almost effortlessly advertise within known channels of interest - Meetup, Acton Networkers Group (ANG) and Hopkinton Networkers Group (HNG). 

note: We know Acton Networkers Group is willing to put up an easel weekly with our website address.  

"Minimum Viable Product" Perspectives for Website Development   

Purpose of this Meeting: Query for Opinions and Perspectives 

Question 1: What have you seen on the current website that has "TURNED YOU ON"?

Question 2: What have you seen on the current website that has "TURNED YOU OFF"?

Question 3: What have you NOT seen on the current website that would help you already in TSSG? 

Question 4: What is on the current website that you would complaign about if it was deleted?

Question 5: Imagine yourself as a prospect on the other side (just now hearing of TSSG for the 1st time) what would you want to see that's not there now? 

Question 6: We currently appeal to a wide range of "customers" - your thoughts?

List of Potential Customers “(as defined in current website)”:

  • Anyone interested in any aspect of the software development life cycle
  • Software developers
  • Web designers
  • Project managers
  • Support professionals
  • Quality assurance professionals
  • Agile methodology professionals
  • Scrum masters
  • Product owners
  • Those interested in learning about these and other roles

anyone interested in any aspect of the software development life cycle is welcome to attend

developers, web designers, project managers, support persons and those interested in learning about these and other roles are welcome

if you are not sure where you may fit in, we will help you to figure it out

Question 7: For what purposes beyond those listed here would someone join TSSG? 

Purpose becomes a VOICE OF THE CUSTOMER:

  • I am between jobs - will see if TSSG is doing something I want to do
  • I am a software engineer - I want to learn new programming skills
  • I am between jobs and want to take a break from my job search with hands-on development
  • I am between jobs and want to demonstrate I am still active in roles
  • I am between jobs and speaking energetically about what I am working on NOW is better for talking with new interviewers
  • I am a UX designer between contracts and want to showcase my skills to a prospective employer
  • I am interested in trying on hats I have not yet done in the workplace

  • No labels