Four Release Levels

  1. The only graphic is the logo for MVP Stage 
  2. Has responsive design for nav bar (aka header)
  3. Add a responsive block at bottom of page with a link to Testimonials — Add link to review (table all talk of testimonials) OR delete reference to testimonials all together... 
  4. All Home-Page content in text 
    1. BLACK header
  5. Sub-Pages also text only - ALL BLACK (25apr2018)
    1. Web Page 
    2. Mobile Page
    3. QA Page
    4. Data Analytics Page 
  6. Delete separate page / navigation bar link for Management, all that can be on home page

     end date for Sprint One was 04-jun-2018 (or technically, last Wednesday... )

Sprint 2: Post MVP Release 

Most Important Next Thing - Add an HTML static calendar display for location and time of Wednesday meetings.

Management Group would provide updates when needed for the web calendar. Need to be careful before this is automated (possibly with entries from Confluence).

for testimonials/ review Reminder: Get Info 

** What statements have you heard from TSSG alumni about how TSSG helped them? 


"It was a variable in my interview. I was able to talk with high energy about the project I'm ACTIVELY working - more current than a project I closed six months ago"

"I researched and put together a comprehensive presentation on a technology I needed to know more about - then I presented it at the General Meeting and it was critiqued by all the teams. Great!"

"The work of looking for a new position is exhausting. TSSG helped me break-up the week and relieve stress by getting my hands on my keyboard and coding with others."

"TSSG is a great learning ground. I have learned so much from participating in the Web Development and Data Analytics Teams!"


Sprint 3:  Introduce More Complicated Graphics

Incorporate clusters of text into graphics that are of responsive design 

Sprint 4: Challenging Tech-Savvy Features, Wish List Items

Purely showcase Tech-Savvy Features

Ideas for Conversation 

  1. Hidden Navigation Bar (around perimeter somewhere) - advantage  is more screen space to view content  
  2. one column for General Meetiing - 4 columns for each group below so that the 35% OF MOBILE SCREEN USE FOR LOGO, CALENDAR, NAV BAR is not a problem.  
  3. A static Schedule / Calendar HTML was created in Sprint Two.  This tech-savvy one would be A) ROLLING CALENDAR and B) where the management team can update the information immediately. 

Question: Andy mentioned today - 18apr2018 - that "Companies don't do software training anymore, we fill that gap". 

Was that part of the purpose for the founding of TSSG? 

How do we re-write that as a statement? 

"many companies don't offer software training, we use collaborative methods to fill that gap"

even further at the end - keep a library of small thumbnail sketches for each? Click to Library Home page

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