As a potential member, I will check the schedule / calendar so that I can go to the correct location.
note to web team - this icon would be added to the main page at the line where the place/time is first mentioned
Lora has created an HTML and sent to the team. (looks best in mobile portrait mode)
The library location icons link to google maps; location - not driving directions.
The FIRST version will only be a static page calendar - a tech-savvy Sprint 3-4 calendar later could be a rolling calendar with an app for the TSSG Management Team to update w/o involving the web team.
I am a potential member, I will check the website so that I go to the right place for the wednesday meeting. TWS-33 - Getting issue details... STATUS
created a smal library of icons for "pick list" - including 'no meeting today
next steps:
- add an icon to the home page to connect with the schedule page TWS-47 - Getting issue details... STATUS
- add Schedule to the nav bar TWS-48 - Getting issue details... STATUS
{ Future Site Brainstorming
Ralph A. Navarro Jr. edited this page
Here's what changed:
I am a TSSG Member and I want to login so that I can save some of my current logins to places like GitHub, Jira, etc.
Schedule database
User Stories
Edit Schedule database information
As any Administrator to the TSSG Schedule in the website,
I want to edit the schedule database table information through the web site
so that the database can be the Single Source of Truth for TSSG Schedule information.
Display Schedule information from the database
As any user that navigates to the schedule section,
I want the site to display the next four venues (based on the current date) from the schedule database
so that the site will always show the current information from the database.
The Single Source of Truth would change from the TSSG Confluence page to information in database records.
Administrators to the schedule would update the database information securely through some sort of front end that has a sign in.
The Confluence page can leverage a macro to pull all the upcoming schedule from the database. It could also contain a link to the secure site where the database schedule information could be updated by an authenticated administrator.
The standard web site schedule section could display the upcoming four venues by pulling the information directly from the database backend. }
That info should have been added here instead.
The other "future site" page does also reference a table - but NOT for the schedule, that is all here; that one is for membership info.
- add this text file to the directory. I update the schedule weekly (after checking Confluence TSSG Venue Page) to take off the past week, and add the next one. I want a "pick list" so I can easily edit code to change the location, date, time info. TWS-63 - Getting issue details... STATUS FYI: For the test, first week the schedule was updated and timed, it was 10 minutes start to finish (meaning, Confluence to Code edits done) without the use of the pick list, this will reduce the time needed.
---start —
filename: Schedule-Icon-PickList.txt
TSSG Schedule Icon Pick List
Pick List Options
icon name...........|google map link...................|
1.0 check the Confluence TSSG Venue Table for up-to-date schedule information
1.1 if you need a new google map link, find it on google maps then select 'share' to copy / paste
2.0 new icons can be made using the 'Single Source Of Truth' (aka Master) file named icon-lib-newLocation.svg. (software used, InkScape a vector image editor)
2.1 the dimensions for all the location icons should be kept the same; so that the name of the file is the only thing that changes, not the dimensions.
2.2 Follow the file naming convention
2.3 Follow the format of the existing icons.
2.4 The font in the center is Arial, bold.
2.5 Save as PNG, height = 100 pixels.
3.0 ONLY the location name (acton, chelmsford... needs to be updated).
3.1 when changing the code to update the icon - remember to update the table column for date (and time if needed).
--- finish —
temporarily added the same, commented out, to the bottom of the Schedule.html file - WILL DETERMINE, OVER THE NEXT COUPLE UPDATES, WHICH IS EASIER, THE TEXT FILE OR COMMENTED OUT CODE — and only keep one
Added Boxborough Library icon and google map link - we have had a meeting there before.
1 Comment
Ralph A. Navarro Jr.
Can you post the Boxborough Library icon again? It doesn't look to have saved with the document.