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These are my notes of the Agile Scrum process that was used to successfully migrate a client from Waterfall to Scrum.

Manifesto for Agile Software Development

    • Value
      • Individuals and interactions
      • Working software
      • Customer collaboration
      • Responding to change
    • Over
      • processes and tools
      • comprehensive documentation
      • contract negotiation
      • following a plan

Intro to Scrum

Waterfall Model

The old framework for developing software.  This is characterized by front loading all of the planning to the n-th degree.  Waterfall works for physical products, but is risky for software because of the constantly changing requirements.  As a result, the nature of software prevents knowing the entire plan up front.

    • Dr. Winston Royce - In 1970, wrote a paper that evolved into the Waterfall Model of Software Development.
      • Waterfall Phases
        1. Requirements Analysis
        2. Design
        3. Code
        4. Integration
        5. Test
        6. Deploy
      • Risky and invites failure
        • Rarely have perfect knowledge of what is needed at the beginning
        • Know less about our project when we start out than we will know in the future.
        • The first day is the dumbest day of the rest of our project.
        • Waterfall projects eventually descend into anarchy
          • Low quality
          • Too much overtime

Scrum Model

The new framework that leverages Agile for developing software.  Scrum takes advantage of Agile principles by creating a set of ceremonies (i.e. meetings) whereby time boxed Sprints continuously iterate through Planning, Prioritization, Feedback, Process Retrospection and Process Adjustment.

Roles in the Scrum Process

      • Product Owner
        • Maximizes ROI
        • Constantly reprioritizes Product Backlog as more is learned.
        • Product Owner and Team should talk directly
      • Scrum Development Team
        • 4-9 people
        • Team room
          • Information Sharing Tool
        • Attempt to build a potentially shippable and properly tested product increment at every Sprint iteration.

          A team that has not yet learned how to do this should reduce the feature scope it commits to, or they will be hampered by technical debt.

      • ScrumMaster
        • no management authority
        • Doesn't have a project manager role
        • Facilitator
        • Protects the team from distractions
        • Helps people learn how to use scrum


Scrum Element

      • Product Backlog Item
        • Prioritized list of customer centric features
        • Forced rank
          • Top most item has priority
        • Does NOT contain tasks
      • Sprint Backlog

        What we have agreed to do for the Sprint

        • What
          • Committed Backlog Items
        • How
          • Tasks
            • Not Started
            • In Progress
            • Completed


Backlog Refinement Meeting (a.k.a Backlog Grooming)
        • 2 hours
        • 2nd Wednesday
        • Set item priorities
        • Team and Product owner
        • Determine which items get put into next couple of Sprints
        • break big product backlog items into smaller product backlog items... maybe user stories
        • Product owner gets feedback on
          • input on prioritizaion
          • Considered dependencies
        • Could be done in Sprint Planning Meeting
          • People find it preferable to have a separate meeting.
Sprint Planning Meeting
        • 4 hours
        • 1st Monday
        • Team and Product Owner negotiate which items will be committed to the Sprint
        • Pulls top priority items from the Product Backlog
        • Places items into the Sprint Backlog
        • Breaks into smaller tasks typically
        • Decides if it is the right amount of work they are going to do in the Sprint
        • Determines if they are clear on what they would do.
Daily Scrum
        • Report to each other
        • What I did
          • Yesterday
          • Today
          • Blockers
Sprint Review Meeting

Feedback loop about the product

        • 2 hours
        • 2nd Friday
        • Team demonstrates a potentially shippable product increment to
          • product owner
          • anyone else who is interested


        • Product Owner
          • will declare
            • which items are done

            • which items did not meet acceptance criteria
            • measure velocity
            • Get feedback from stakeholders
              • about how the team is doing with velocity.

              • Add items to product backlog
          • A lot of times, the feedback is
            • Guys, you did what you said you'd do but after seeing it, we realize we need something else.
            • Couldn't have known that until they saw the wrong product.
            • People sometimes need to see a piece of functioning product to react against before they can specify what they really want.
Sprint Retrospective Meeting

Feedback loop about the process

        • 2 hours
        • 2nd Friday
        • Team Inspects and Adapt own process
        • What went well
        • What could be improved
        • What we learned
        • What still puzzles us
        • Team gives feedback to each other
        • Team takes ownership of their own process


    • Keep the product in a constantly known state
      • increasing rigor in the definition of "done"
      • skilled use of TDD
      • refactoring
      • continuous integration
    • Build/Test more than once per day
    • New Scope discovery tends to outpace velocity
      • Scrum teams ship
        • the highest-value products they can within time constraints
        • accepting that some requests must be delayed until future releases
    • Role of Management Changes
      • from telling people what to do
      • to
        • leading
        • helping
    • To become more adaptable
      • development teams must learn engineering practices that reduce the cost of change, a kind of technical debt
      • Re-prioritization should affect the Product Backlog not a Sprint in progress (except in real emergencies).
    • Hold off decisions until the end of the meeting
      • Give everyone a chance to offer their view.


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