

Ralph A. Navarro Jr. won't be able to attend this meeting due to an interview.  The meeting will still go on in Zoom.


  • Team will self-manage to assist each other with learning and trying new technology.
  • Investigate Ubuntu JuJu for orchestration of images and containers.
  • Determine how easy it is to use JuJu. a
  • Create your own models from their store
  • If there is time, learn and create Kubernetes to create fault tolerant models.
  • Take notes and share what you've learned in this Meeting Notes document.

We (Alan, Jim, Jessie and Joel) met and looked through a description in Wikipedia for Juju, (lots of user and developer docs) and watched a video of The Evolution of the Kubernetes Model.
Presented at the Juju Charmer Summit Feb 2017

The video was interesting, but it was more about Kubernetes than Juju. It looks like Juju has a nice GUI to generate data-driven configurations and deploy containers to the Cloud. We decided at the end of this meeting to spend more time on research separately. We will post to TSSG Devops references to useful information that we are able to gather. If anyone moves ahead with any of the Goals listed above or the Discussion items below, they will post their results here in Confluence.

Discussion items


Try out Kubernetes
  Create your own model  

Learn about Kubernetes

Create a fault tolerant model using Kubernetes

Action items
