


  • Team PC Resources Inventory
  • Possible technology investigations with Docker

Discussion items

PC InventoryAlan Rawsthorne
  • Laptop is slow
 PC Inventory
  •  Laptop: HP Spectre
    • CPU: i7
    • Physical Cores: 2
    • Logical Cores: 4
    • RAM: 8 GB
    • Storage Total: 228 GB
    • Storage Avail: 144 GB

PC InventoryJessica Martz
  • Laptop
    • CPU: i7
    • Physical Cores: 4
    • Logical Cores: 8

Possible technology investigations with Docker

Possible technology investigations with DockerRalph A. Navarro Jr.

Apache Solr

Apache Zookeeper


Jobfair in NHJessica Martz

JIRA installationJessica Martz

Started jira server as localhost

Jira complains

Installed Xray for JIRA plugin


vegasbrianc/docker-LAMP on GitHub

  • docker-compose.yml


      image: mysql:latest


        - "3306:3306"


        - ./var/mysql:/var/lib/mysql


        - MYSQL_DATABASE=db

        - MYSQL_USER=dbuser

        - MYSQL_PASSWORD=mysql123

        - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mysql123


      # image: eboraas/apache-php

      image: tutum/apache-php


        - "80:80"

        - "443:443"


        - db


        - ./www:/app

    • Upgrade the apache-php to one more recent

      Older versions of PHP and Apache have vulnerabilities which are frequently targeted by hackers.  Newer versions of PHP and Apache include security fixes that harden the packages against vulnerabilities.  To minimize the risk of these attacks, it is important to keep both Apache and PHP packages current.

      The docker-compose.yml file can be changed to use a more current apache-php image.

Action items
