


    • Refactored tssgTechMVP git repo to just be tssgTech
    • Refactored multipage branch to have site and tools directory.  Later we will add a tests directory.

Discussion items




  • Web Team Source Control directory refactoring
    • tssgTech
      • branches
        • master
        • multipage
          • site

            web site source

          • tools

            deployment scripts and

            other maintenance scripts

            • ansible
            • salt
            • puppet
            • chef
            • vagrant
            • docker
            • tssgTech.deploy

              bash script running from

              root cron job (crond -e) on s14.

            • alias.env
              • tssgTech.update

                Deploys the site master branch to nc-nginx

                • alias tssgTech.update='ssh -t s14 "cd ~ralph/Projects/TSSG/tssgTech; sudo su -c \"git pull\" ralph; cd ..; docker cp tssgTech nc-nginx:/usr/share/nginx/html/"'

          • tests

            Automated tests

            • UI
              • gebSpock
              • cucumber
              • testng
            • performance
              • jmeter
              • load
              • monitoring
            • unit
              • junit
              • nunit
              • testng
            • end-to-end
            • backend
          • mkdir -p site tools tests/UI/gebSpock
        • singlepage

  • Production
    • nc-nginx docker service on s14


      Endpoint is

    • Deployment to production

      Performed by alias tssgTech.update

      Executed manually by Joel

      • Git repo tssgTech master branch

        copied to nc-nginx web server

  • Staging
    • nc-nginx docker service on s14


      Endpoint is 

      Represents tssgTech master branch

    • nc-nginx docker service on s14


      Endpoint is

      Represents tssgTech multipage branch

    • Deployment to staging

      Performed by root@s14:bin/tssgTech.deploy

      Executed every 5 minutes.

      • Git repo tssgTech multipage branch

        copied to nc-nginx web server

      • Git repo tssgTech master branch

        copied to nc-nginx web server

  • Git Repository
    • tssgTech
      • master branch
        • This must always represent a clean, bug free source of the web site.
        • Gets deployed manually to nc-nginx web server as production
        • Gets deployed every 5 minutes to nc-nginx web server as staging tssgTechStagedMaster
      • multipage branch
        • This is the web site's new implementation
        • Gets deployed to nc-nginx web server as staging tssgTechMultipage

          deployed every 5 minutes

  • Workflow
    • 1 Dev works in a dev or feature branch (e.g. multipage)
    • 2 Dev sees multipage branch changes represented every 5 minutes in tssgTechMultipage endpoint
    • 3 When acceptable, Dev merges to master branch
    • 4 Dev sees master branch changes represented every 5 minutes in tssgTechStagedMaster endpoint
    • 5 When acceptable, Dev deploys master branch to production tssgTech endpoint

Action items

  • Jim Turner investigate SALT Stack.
  • Ralph A. Navarro Jr. investigate Ansible
  • Jessical Martz investigate Puppet
  • Tyler Putnam investigate Chef
  • Joel Sharasheff needs to work with Ralph on merging data in multipage branch to master and setting up the server to handle code pulled and copied to  tssgTechStagedMaster and tssgTech (master staging and production).