


  • Clean up Jira tickets for scheduledb
  • Update tickets
  • Add Xray Tests
  • Start creating Geb and Spock automated test for each Xray test

Discussion items

Setup and run Geb and Spock testing frameworks
  1. Install IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition for Windows
  2. Import from source: the tssgTech local git repository
  3. Import Gradle Module.
    1. Right click on tssgTech/tests/GebAndSpock
    2. In popup menu, select Import Gradle Module (about 70% down the list)
    3. In status bar (bottom of IDEA window), wait for import and index.
    4. Gradle tab will show up on right side of IDEA window.
  4. Setup multipage branch
    1. In IDEA window, bottom right corner, click on Git: <branch>
    2. Select the remote branch multipage
    3. In the popup, name the local branch multipage
  5. Configure IDEA to run the Gradle chromeTest task
    1. Create a Gradle Environment Configuration
      1. In Edit Configuration dropdown (top right area of IDEA window), click drop down and select Edit Configuration
      2. In Popup, on top left, click '+' and select Gradle
      3. Give the Gradle environment a name (e.g. Run chromeTest)
      4. Select Gradle project: tssgTech/tests/GebAndSpock
      5. In Tasks, enter chromeTest
      6. Click OK button in bottom right of popup.
  6. Run Geb and Spock tests in Selenium Grid
    1. This is the default configuration in src/test/resources/GebConfig.groovy
    2. In the chromeTest environment, select the green play button ()
  7. Configure Geb and Spock to run tests locally
    1. src/test/resources/GebConfig.groovy, chrome {} section,
      comment out the entire section driver = {} that starts with DesiredCapabilities
    2. Uncomment:
      driver = { new ChromeDriver() }
  8. Run Geb and Spock tests Locally.
    1. Run the Gradle environment you created earlier.
      1. Select the green play button ()
  9. Review test reports
    1. in GebAndSpock/build/reports/chromeTest/
      1. tests/index.html    # contains report as html
      2. geb/Tests/TSSGTechSpec   # contains screenshots
Configure IntelliJ IDEA Community Edition Terminal

IntelliJ IDEA
Menu: File → Settings → Tools → Terminal → Shell path

  • On Windows + Docker Toolbox: Set to the same configuration as the Quickstart Terminal shortcut's properties launch command line.
  • On Linux: Set to location of bash (e.g. /bin/bash)

Action items
