The purpose of this page is to collect feedback on the website changes implemented on 4/25/2019.  An email was sent out to the email distribution with instructions to reply with feedback as a reply to the message.  The feedback will be recorded as comments to this page.

For those of you that have access to Confluence, Please feel free to post your feedback directly here as Comments.


--- Start of email subject ---

TSSG Members, We need your help with feedback on our new web site changes!

--- Start of email subject ---

--- Start of email message body ---

TSSG Members,

I have some exciting news!  Our website,, has undergone a great change.  We have created an entirely different look for the Technical Skills Share Group (TSSG).  We would like to hear your thoughts on the changes.  Please reply (not reply all) to this message.

When you land on the site you will notice a small change.  There is a “Go to Beta Site” button available to you.

Click on it to see another version of the TSSG web site.

Check it out!  An entirely new look.  Browse through the site and make sure to check out the new “Schedule” look.  You can return to the “CLASSIC SITE” at any time by selecting from the top menu.

If you are using a mobile phone then menu will appear as “hamburger”.  This is an icon of three lines.

--- End of email message body ---


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  1. On 4/26/19 Kathy F wrote:


    I just checked out the beta site from my iPhone 4S. Everything appears to work fine and I like the new approach. 

    Nice work! 


  2. If the primary mission of TSSG is to help technology professionals land new employment, then TSSG's website should display use of the latest technologies and this new site should be front and center ASAP. The first impressions of both new members and hiring managers should be paramount!

    The Web team and it's members can easily build upon this as a new foundation expanding site functionality as needed from there. Contrary to broad misconception, there is no need to carry a Webflow subscription to maintain and build upon these exported files. In future sprints, simply alter and/or add CSS as needed to the clean CSS file as I do. Add additional JavaScript files and code as needed. Web team members can join in to add pages made either from scratch or by copying first from the testimonial page and altering HTML content and menus to suit expansion. Build on it!

  3. In my opinion, the Webflow site's pictures for each section are a little too big.  They take up a lot of screen real estate on a desktop or laptop which is inconvenient to scroll through.  However, the pictures look fine on a mobile phone in portrait orientation due to the short screen width and height.

    Troy Douglas , our mission is to help TSSG members learn about new technology:

    Technical Skills Share Group (TSSG) is a volunteer organization created by and for technical professionals seeking peer-based skill development on active projects. Our mission is to create an environment enabling members to stay current with the latest software technologies and focus on their interest areas while working with other technical professionals.

    Webflow appears to be no different than any of the templatized web site creation features of web hosting providers.  From a design perspective, this is a nice site.  From a development perspective, it might be more valuable to TSSG developers (and prospective employers) if the Web team uses standard open source technology to create the same or similar looking designs.

  4. Ralph A. Navarro Jr. Regarding TSSG's Primary Mission - Why then does every Wednesday General Meeting with new members in attendance begin with the mission expressed in this script?:

    "Our mission is to help you answer the question, "What have you been doing since your last job?"  We are not like other networking groups like WIND Networking or Acton Networkers....."

  5. How does one person having a license to work on Webflow, which isn't open source or even widely used in the industry, help other team members answer the question?  Wouldn't a member be able to answer the question better if he/she can talk about how they used a number of standard or open source technologies to create a site with good design?

    I thought we put this topic to rest after the Hopkinton meeting vote.  Why are you re-hashing this again?

  6. On 4/27/2019, Paul S. wrote;



    I don’t have access to confluence so I’m sending this to you.  There are two issues that I see so far. 

    The first one is minor and may even be by design, but it looked a little strange to me.  When I turn my phone to landscape mode (or shrink the laptop width down to narrow), the background of the next meeting declaration on the home page changes.  Not a deal breaker but didn’t know if it was by design or not.


    The second thing is the page scrolling.  We had this in an earlier version of the classic site and it was voted out and back to multi-page.  I think the rest of the site is OK but I really don’t care for the scrolling. 


    That’s my two cents worth,



  7. Hello,

    I like the new pages and styles, and I actually prefer the new pages compared to the classic pages.


    Marc Lacroix