Feedback from Minimum Viable Product (MVP) questions on new TSSG.Tech web site:
- We do "resume-driven development" to help us choose the technologies that we use [lora: interesting, we need to think about how to word]
- We chose the technologies that we use so that we can gain experience with them so we can add them to our resume
- This is done as group "real life" experience, not just study
- Need new website to NOT look like it was just putting a Power Point presentation onto the web [lora: changed public site to simple html so we can forever close the powerpoint reference from being needed now]
- Low Maintenance - make it easy to update the website when there is new / revised information to be published [lora: -maybe an API for Team Lead - timeframe 3 or 4]
- Question 1: What have you seen on the current website that has "TURNED YOU ON"?
- Fast access to information on what TSSG is and when the meetings are held
- Do like the existing logo, some people use it on business cards
- Question 2: What have you seen on the current website that has "TURNED YOU OFF"?
- Need to remove "software quality assurance" from the list of applications that TSSG develops [done]
- Need way to state that the QA group is a discussion group that also helps out the other teams [more questions - Ray Bloom asked for "QA Study Group - vs. Dev"]
- Need to remove the yellow square of must attend first meeting in person, looks like a post-it note [done]
- change "in transition OR enthusiasts" to "AND" [done]
- All Caps in the top is not liked [done]
- Poor navigation - boxes, images that go to different places, etc. (especially similar-looking graphics whose functions one can't distinguish) [ done for now, need to rethink this in Timeline 2 or 3 ]
- Question 3: What have you NOT seen on the current website that would help you already in TSSG?
- Add testimonials ? [add to timeframe 2 - ask for INPUT from General Meeting after presenting new MVP release]
- make a separate page, NOT a footer
- Web team was going to leave this off until we had enough (suggestion: 5)
- Real world benefits of what we do in TSSG
- Reminder: This is a recruiting tool for TSSG, not a sales tool
- We are about training, not creating products that will be sold
- We are NOT a non-profit, we are a collaborative group
- We have a budget of zero
- Address this elsewhere
- Add testimonials ? [add to timeframe 2 - ask for INPUT from General Meeting after presenting new MVP release]
- Question 4: What is on the current website that you would complain about if it was deleted?
- Keep the meeting times
- Keep the location / venue wording to indicate that we are not always in Acton [WILL REQUIRES SOME THOUGH]
- Question 5: Imagine yourself as a prospect on the other side (just now hearing of TSSG for the 1st time) what would you want to see that's not there now?
- Say that we are an eastern Massachusetts group, have this near the top of the page
- Keep in mind this is not just for Acton Networkers, other groups like SPIN, SQGNE, NEJUG and Agile NE are also good places to advertise that TSSG exists
- Put the link to web site in the Meet-up page / announcement
- Question 6: We currently appeal to a wide range of "customers" - your thoughts?
- Is the list of people there too many?
- Like the idea of all the different job titles
- Search Engine Optiumization (SEO) needs to be added to the list – NO!!
- Change People to Professionals in the list of potential customers if we add this list to the website (ref: Brainstorming MVP list)
- Is the list of people there too many?
- Question 7: List of Potential Customers “(as defined in current website)”
- Suggest to remove UX Designer from this list
- We do NOT need to meet everything on this list, so leave it in
- Trying on NEW ROLES, not hats
- Change "in between jobs" to "in transition"
- The wording of this list needs editing
- Add Business Analyst and Product Owner to the roles
- Suggest to remove UX Designer from this list